
ugit @main - refs - log -
The code powering this h*ckin' site
tree log patch
feat: split out nix package/module Signed-off-by: jolheiser <git@jolheiser.com>
jolheiser <git@jolheiser.com>
6 months ago
8 changed files, 304 additions(+), 622 deletions(-)
M flake.lockflake.lock
diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
index 6e136355501a7bd20ed340e161b8a9c3bb6f2232..401c49c1b22e48b7a61e6369c038b8dce12c0711 100644
--- a/flake.lock
+++ b/flake.lock
@@ -1,44 +1,5 @@
   "nodes": {
-    "flake-utils": {
-      "inputs": {
-        "systems": "systems"
-      },
-      "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1694529238,
-        "narHash": "sha256-zsNZZGTGnMOf9YpHKJqMSsa0dXbfmxeoJ7xHlrt+xmY=",
-        "owner": "numtide",
-        "repo": "flake-utils",
-        "rev": "ff7b65b44d01cf9ba6a71320833626af21126384",
-        "type": "github"
-      },
-      "original": {
-        "owner": "numtide",
-        "repo": "flake-utils",
-        "type": "github"
-      }
-    },
-    "gomod2nix": {
-      "inputs": {
-        "flake-utils": "flake-utils",
-        "nixpkgs": [
-          "nixpkgs"
-        ]
-      },
-      "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1717050755,
-        "narHash": "sha256-C9IEHABulv2zEDFA+Bf0E1nmfN4y6MIUe5eM2RCrDC0=",
-        "owner": "nix-community",
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-        "type": "github"
-      },
-      "original": {
-        "owner": "nix-community",
-        "repo": "gomod2nix",
-        "type": "github"
-      }
-    },
     "nixpkgs": {
       "locked": {
         "lastModified": 1719379843,
@@ -57,25 +18,9 @@       }
     "root": {
       "inputs": {
-        "gomod2nix": "gomod2nix",
         "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
         "tailwind-ctp": "tailwind-ctp",
         "tailwind-ctp-lsp": "tailwind-ctp-lsp"
-      }
-    },
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-      "locked": {
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-        "narHash": "sha256-Vy1rq5AaRuLzOxct8nz4T6wlgyUR7zLU309k9mBC768=",
-        "owner": "nix-systems",
-        "repo": "default",
-        "rev": "da67096a3b9bf56a91d16901293e51ba5b49a27e",
-        "type": "github"
-      },
-      "original": {
-        "owner": "nix-systems",
-        "repo": "default",
-        "type": "github"
     "tailwind-ctp": {
M flake.nixflake.nix
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index a7aedde25dd2d58ef845a996061106319e23ae97..cad65fe16198ecb1284d5246af9d2186eb90e6fa 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -3,10 +3,6 @@   description = "Minimal git server";
   inputs = {
     nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
-    gomod2nix = {
-      url = "github:nix-community/gomod2nix";
-      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
-    };
     tailwind-ctp = {
       url = "git+https://git.jolheiser.com/tailwind-ctp";
       inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
@@ -17,172 +13,46 @@       inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
-  outputs = {
-    self,
-    nixpkgs,
-    gomod2nix,
-    tailwind-ctp,
-    tailwind-ctp-lsp,
-  } @ inputs: let
-    system = "x86_64-linux";
-    pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
-    tailwind-ctp = inputs.tailwind-ctp.packages.${system}.default;
-    tailwind-ctp-lsp = inputs.tailwind-ctp-lsp.packages.${system}.default;
-    ugit = gomod2nix.legacyPackages.${system}.buildGoApplication rec {
-      name = "ugitd";
-      src = pkgs.nix-gitignore.gitignoreSource [] (builtins.path {
-        inherit name;
-        path = ./.;
-      });
-      pwd = ./.;
-      subPackages = ["cmd/ugitd" "cmd/ugit-uci"];
-      CGO_ENABLED = 0;
-      flags = [
-        "-trimpath"
-      ];
-      ldflags = [
-        "-s"
-        "-w"
-        "-extldflags -static"
+  outputs =
+    {
+      self,
+      nixpkgs,
+      tailwind-ctp,
+      tailwind-ctp-lsp,
+    }:
+    let
+      systems = [
+        "x86_64-linux"
+        "i686-linux"
+        "x86_64-darwin"
+        "aarch64-linux"
+        "armv6l-linux"
+        "armv7l-linux"
-      meta = with pkgs.lib; {
-        description = "Minimal git server";
-        homepage = "https://git.jolheiser.com/ugit";
-        maintainers = with maintainers; [jolheiser];
-        mainProgram = "ugitd";
-      };
-    };
-  in {
-    packages.${system}.default = ugit;
-    devShells.${system}.default = pkgs.mkShell {
-      nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
-        go
-        gopls
-        gomod2nix.legacyPackages.${system}.gomod2nix
-        templ
-        tailwind-ctp
-        tailwind-ctp-lsp
-        vscode-langservers-extracted
-      ];
-    };
-    nixosModules.default = {
-      pkgs,
-      lib,
-      config,
-      ...
-    }: let
-      cfg = config.services.ugit;
-      yamlFormat = pkgs.formats.yaml {};
-      configFile = pkgs.writeText "ugit.yaml" (builtins.readFile (yamlFormat.generate "ugit-yaml" cfg.config));
-      authorizedKeysFile = pkgs.writeText "ugit_keys" (builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.authorizedKeys);
-    in {
-      options = let
-        inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkOption types;
-      in {
-        services.ugit = {
-          enable = mkEnableOption "Enable ugit";
-          package = mkOption {
-            type = types.package;
-            description = "ugit package to use";
-            default = ugit;
-          };
-          tsAuthKey = mkOption {
-            type = types.str;
-            description = "Tailscale one-time auth-key";
-            default = "";
-          };
-          repoDir = mkOption {
-            type = types.str;
-            description = "where ugit stores repositories";
-            default = "/var/lib/ugit/repos";
-          };
-          authorizedKeys = mkOption {
-            type = types.listOf types.str;
-            description = "list of keys to use for authorized_keys";
-            default = [];
-          };
-          authorizedKeysFile = mkOption {
-            type = types.str;
-            description = "path to authorized_keys file ugit uses for auth";
-            default = "/var/lib/ugit/authorized_keys";
-          };
-          hostKeyFile = mkOption {
-            type = types.str;
-            description = "path to host key file (will be created if it doesn't exist)";
-            default = "/var/lib/ugit/ugit_ed25519";
-          };
-          config = mkOption {
-            type = types.attrs;
-            default = {};
-            description = "config.yaml contents";
-          };
-          user = mkOption {
-            type = types.str;
-            default = "ugit";
-            description = "User account under which ugit runs";
-          };
-          group = mkOption {
-            type = types.str;
-            default = "ugit";
-            description = "Group account under which ugit runs";
-          };
-          openFirewall = mkOption {
-            type = types.bool;
-            default = false;
-          };
-        };
-      };
-      config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
-        users.users."${cfg.user}" = {
-          home = "/var/lib/ugit";
-          createHome = true;
-          group = "${cfg.group}";
-          isSystemUser = true;
-          isNormalUser = false;
-          description = "user for ugit service";
-        };
-        users.groups."${cfg.group}" = {};
-        networking.firewall = lib.mkIf cfg.openFirewall {
-          allowedTCPPorts = [8448 8449];
-        };
-        systemd.services.ugit = {
-          enable = true;
-          script = let
-            authorizedKeysPath =
-              if (builtins.length cfg.authorizedKeys) > 0
-              then authorizedKeysFile
-              else cfg.authorizedKeysFile;
-            args = [
-              "--config=${configFile}"
-              "--repo-dir=${cfg.repoDir}"
-              "--ssh.authorized-keys=${authorizedKeysPath}"
-              "--ssh.host-key=${cfg.hostKeyFile}"
+      forAllSystems = f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs systems f;
+      tctp = forAllSystems (system: tailwind-ctp.packages.${system}.default);
+      tctpl = forAllSystems (system: tailwind-ctp-lsp.packages.${system}.default);
+    in
+    {
+      packages = forAllSystems (system: import ./nix { pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; });
+      devShells = forAllSystems (
+        system:
+        let
+          pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
+        in
+        {
+          default = pkgs.mkShell {
+            nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
+              go
+              gopls
+              templ
+              tctp.${system}
+              tctpl.${system}
+              vscode-langservers-extracted
-          in "${cfg.package}/bin/ugitd ${builtins.concatStringsSep " " args}";
-          wantedBy = ["multi-user.target"];
-          after = ["network.target"];
-          path = [cfg.package pkgs.git pkgs.bash];
-          serviceConfig = {
-            User = cfg.user;
-            Group = cfg.group;
-            Restart = "always";
-            RestartSec = "15";
-            WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/ugit";
-            Environment = ["TS_AUTHKEY=${cfg.tsAuthKey}"];
-        };
-      };
+        }
+      );
+      nixosModules.default = import ./nix/module.nix;
-  };
diff --git a/go.mod.sri b/go.mod.sri
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b80bc88828f5c9249871e9ec9d93c694830401f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go.mod.sri
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
D gomod2nix.toml
diff --git a/gomod2nix.toml b/gomod2nix.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 53153eb6db6f04c40480a5c63abbfa6b3be50a92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gomod2nix.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/nix/default.nix b/nix/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07317370bfffc442b384102e32cde32e0f1042de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  pkgs ? import <nixpkgs>,
+  pkg = pkgs.callPackage ./pkg.nix { inherit pkgs; };
+  ugit = pkg;
+  default = pkg;
diff --git a/nix/module.nix b/nix/module.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd45cccebcfe3581dc2e0ff1e29189985913e59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/module.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+  pkgs,
+  lib,
+  config,
+  ...
+  cfg = config.services.ugit;
+  pkg = pkgs.callPackage ./pkg.nix { inherit pkgs; };
+  yamlFormat = pkgs.formats.yaml { };
+  configFile = pkgs.writeText "ugit.yaml" (
+    builtins.readFile (yamlFormat.generate "ugit-yaml" cfg.config)
+  );
+  authorizedKeysFile = pkgs.writeText "ugit_keys" (builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.authorizedKeys);
+  options =
+    let
+      inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkOption types;
+    in
+    {
+      services.ugit = {
+        enable = mkEnableOption "Enable ugit";
+        package = mkOption {
+          type = types.package;
+          description = "ugit package to use";
+          default = pkg;
+        };
+        tsAuthKey = mkOption {
+          type = types.str;
+          description = "Tailscale one-time auth-key";
+          default = "";
+        };
+        repoDir = mkOption {
+          type = types.str;
+          description = "where ugit stores repositories";
+          default = "/var/lib/ugit/repos";
+        };
+        authorizedKeys = mkOption {
+          type = types.listOf types.str;
+          description = "list of keys to use for authorized_keys";
+          default = [ ];
+        };
+        authorizedKeysFile = mkOption {
+          type = types.str;
+          description = "path to authorized_keys file ugit uses for auth";
+          default = "/var/lib/ugit/authorized_keys";
+        };
+        hostKeyFile = mkOption {
+          type = types.str;
+          description = "path to host key file (will be created if it doesn't exist)";
+          default = "/var/lib/ugit/ugit_ed25519";
+        };
+        config = mkOption {
+          type = types.attrs;
+          default = { };
+          description = "config.yaml contents";
+        };
+        user = mkOption {
+          type = types.str;
+          default = "ugit";
+          description = "User account under which ugit runs";
+        };
+        group = mkOption {
+          type = types.str;
+          default = "ugit";
+          description = "Group account under which ugit runs";
+        };
+        openFirewall = mkOption {
+          type = types.bool;
+          default = false;
+        };
+        hooks = mkOption {
+          type = types.listOf (
+            types.submodule {
+              options = {
+                name = mkOption {
+                  type = types.str;
+                  description = "Hook name";
+                };
+                content = mkOption {
+                  type = types.str;
+                  description = "Hook contents";
+                };
+              };
+            }
+          );
+          description = "A list of pre-receive hooks to run";
+          default = [ ];
+        };
+      };
+    };
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    users.users."${cfg.user}" = {
+      home = "/var/lib/ugit";
+      createHome = true;
+      group = "${cfg.group}";
+      isSystemUser = true;
+      isNormalUser = false;
+      description = "user for ugit service";
+    };
+    users.groups."${cfg.group}" = { };
+    networking.firewall = lib.mkIf cfg.openFirewall {
+      allowedTCPPorts = [
+        8448
+        8449
+      ];
+    };
+    systemd.services = {
+      ugit = {
+        enable = true;
+        script =
+          let
+            authorizedKeysPath =
+              if (builtins.length cfg.authorizedKeys) > 0 then authorizedKeysFile else cfg.authorizedKeysFile;
+            args = [
+              "--config=${configFile}"
+              "--repo-dir=${cfg.repoDir}"
+              "--ssh.authorized-keys=${authorizedKeysPath}"
+              "--ssh.host-key=${cfg.hostKeyFile}"
+            ];
+          in
+          "${cfg.package}/bin/ugitd ${builtins.concatStringsSep " " args}";
+        wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+        after = [ "network.target" ];
+        path = [
+          cfg.package
+          pkgs.git
+          pkgs.bash
+        ];
+        serviceConfig = {
+          User = cfg.user;
+          Group = cfg.group;
+          Restart = "always";
+          RestartSec = "15";
+          WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/ugit";
+          Environment = [ "TS_AUTHKEY=${cfg.tsAuthKey}" ];
+        };
+      };
+      ugit-hooks = {
+        wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+        after = [ "ugit.service" ];
+        requires = [ "ugit.service" ];
+        serviceConfig = {
+          Type = "oneshot";
+          ExecStart =
+            let
+              script = pkgs.writeShellScript "ugit-hooks-link" (
+                builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (
+                  map (
+                    hook:
+                    let
+                      script = pkgs.writeShellScript hook.name hook.content;
+                      path = "${cfg.repoDir}/hooks/pre-receive.d/${hook.name}";
+                    in
+                    "ln -s ${script} ${path}"
+                  ) cfg.hooks
+                )
+              );
+            in
+            "${script}";
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    systemd.tmpfiles.settings.ugit = builtins.listToAttrs (
+      map (
+        hook:
+        let
+          script = pkgs.writeShellScript hook.name hook.content;
+          path = "${cfg.repoDir}/hooks/pre-receive.d/${hook.name}";
+        in
+        {
+          name = path;
+          value = {
+            "L" = {
+              argument = "${script}";
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      ) cfg.hooks
+    );
+  };
diff --git a/nix/pkg.nix b/nix/pkg.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d64f3e79ad253d5a492d985e94ff3236138c122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/pkg.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+  pkgs ? import <nixpkgs>,
+  name = "ugitd";
+pkgs.buildGoModule {
+  pname = name;
+  version = "main";
+  src = pkgs.nix-gitignore.gitignoreSource [ ] (
+    builtins.path {
+      inherit name;
+      path = ../.;
+    }
+  );
+  subPackages = [
+    "cmd/ugitd"
+    "cmd/ugit-uci"
+  ];
+  vendorHash = pkgs.lib.fileContents ../go.mod.sri;
+  flags = [ "-trimpath" ];
+  ldflags = [
+    "-s"
+    "-w"
+    "-extldflags -static"
+  ];
+  meta = {
+    description = "Minimal git server";
+    homepage = "https://git.jolheiser.com/ugit";
+    mainProgram = "ugitd";
+  };
diff --git a/nix/test.nix b/nix/test.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b5e625a43c5b62114b86572cbf29c2abe007bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/test.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{ config, pkgs, ... }:
+  imports = [ ./module.nix ];
+  users.users.jolheiser = {
+    isNormalUser = true;
+    extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];
+    initialPassword = "test";
+  };
+  services.ugit = {
+    enable = true;
+    hooks = [
+      {
+        name = "pre-receive";
+        content = ''
+          echo "Pre-receive hook executed"
+        '';
+      }
+      {
+        name = "ugit-uci";
+        content = "${config.services.ugit.package}/bin/ugit-uci";
+      }
+    ];
+  };