
tailwind-ctp-intellisense @master - refs - log -
Tailwind intellisense + Catppuccin
tree log patch
Merge branch 'alexbjorlig-improve-troubleshoot-section'
Brad Cornes <bradlc41@gmail.com>
4 years ago
1 changed files, 1 additions(+), 0 deletions(-)
M packages/tailwindcss-intellisense/README.mdpackages/tailwindcss-intellisense/README.md
diff --git a/packages/tailwindcss-intellisense/README.md b/packages/tailwindcss-intellisense/README.md
index f6d6408f794575e9197df75ae2ddb4bb9767fe5a..7d93beb866630bf51d1f7edbf8156cc476b0ea64 100644
--- a/packages/tailwindcss-intellisense/README.md
+++ b/packages/tailwindcss-intellisense/README.md
@@ -119,3 +119,4 @@
 - Ensure that you have a Tailwind config file in your workspace and that this is named `tailwind.config.js` or `tailwind.js`. Check out the Tailwind documentation for details on [creating a config file](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation/#3-create-your-tailwind-config-file-optional).
 - Ensure that the `tailwindcss` module is installed in your workspace, via `npm`, `yarn`, or `pnpm`. Tailwind CSS IntelliSense does not currently support Yarn Plug'n'Play.
 - If you installed `tailwindcss` or created your config file while your project was already open in Visual Studio Code you may need to reload the editor. You can either restart VS Code entirely, or use the `Developer: Reload Window` command which can be found in the command palette.
+- Make sure your VS Code settings (`.vscode/settings.json`) aren't causing the Tailwind config to be excluded from search.