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tree log patch
chore: clean up zoxide and ssh Signed-off-by: jolheiser <git@jolheiser.com>
jolheiser <git@jolheiser.com>
3 weeks ago
5 changed files, 2 additions(+), 66 deletions(-)
M apps/nogui/gpg.nix -> apps/nogui/gpg.nix
diff --git a/apps/nogui/gpg.nix b/apps/nogui/gpg.nix
index bb1873d19625b99ee6f99bc4187adcd95e0dd05e..bbf88d12445212bfa5f9e7f2d37cb5dcdb0864cb 100644
--- a/apps/nogui/gpg.nix
+++ b/apps/nogui/gpg.nix
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@       keyserver = "hkps://keys.openpgp.org";
   services.gpg-agent = {
-    enable = true;
+    enable = false;
     enableExtraSocket = true;
     enableSshSupport = true;
     pinentryPackage = pkgs.pinentry-gnome3;
M apps/nogui/nushell.nix -> apps/nogui/nushell.nix
diff --git a/apps/nogui/nushell.nix b/apps/nogui/nushell.nix
index 918dcd5a16cdb8bf38a10b4fe878b72431aa4dc1..1d919a7446bf9365f407f801a78e6a2c53ca7739 100644
--- a/apps/nogui/nushell.nix
+++ b/apps/nogui/nushell.nix
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@   };
   xdg.configFile = {
     "nushell/jolheiser.nu".source = ./nushell/jolheiser.nu;
   programs.nushell = {
-  programs.nushell = {
   programs.nushell = {
M apps/nogui/nushell/jolheiser.nu -> apps/nogui/nushell/jolheiser.nu
diff --git a/apps/nogui/nushell/jolheiser.nu b/apps/nogui/nushell/jolheiser.nu
index c9ff05362ca9f56a6690623eab2c898678eb1209..ad1666a080d1c138bf9f437318cff4427863f090 100644
--- a/apps/nogui/nushell/jolheiser.nu
+++ b/apps/nogui/nushell/jolheiser.nu
@@ -100,6 +100,6 @@
 ## Other ##
 $env.EDITOR = hx
 ## Aliases ## 
+alias cat = bat
D apps/nogui/nushell/zoxide.nu
diff --git a/apps/nogui/nushell/zoxide.nu b/apps/nogui/nushell/zoxide.nu
deleted file mode 100644
index 2382c52071db0d34d0954de517f6d3bc29072f9b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/apps/nogui/nushell/zoxide.nu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Code generated by zoxide. DO NOT EDIT.
-# =============================================================================
-# Hook configuration for zoxide.
-# Initialize hook to add new entries to the database.
-if (not ($env | default false __zoxide_hooked | get __zoxide_hooked)) {
-  $env.__zoxide_hooked = true
-  $env.config = ($env | default {} config).config
-  $env.config = ($env.config | default {} hooks)
-  $env.config = ($env.config | update hooks ($env.config.hooks | default {} env_change))
-  $env.config = ($env.config | update hooks.env_change ($env.config.hooks.env_change | default [] PWD))
-  $env.config = ($env.config | update hooks.env_change.PWD ($env.config.hooks.env_change.PWD | append {|_, dir|
-    zoxide add -- $dir
-  }))
-# =============================================================================
-# When using zoxide with --no-cmd, alias these internal functions as desired.
-# Jump to a directory using only keywords.
-def --env __zoxide_z [...rest:string] {
-  let arg0 = ($rest | append '~').0
-  let path = if (($rest | length) <= 1) and ($arg0 == '-' or ($arg0 | path expand | path type) == dir) {
-    $arg0
-  } else {
-    (zoxide query --exclude $env.PWD -- $rest | str trim -r -c "\n")
-  }
-  cd $path
-# Jump to a directory using interactive search.
-def --env __zoxide_zi  [...rest:string] {
-  cd $'(zoxide query --interactive -- $rest | str trim -r -c "\n")'
-# =============================================================================
-# Commands for zoxide. Disable these using --no-cmd.
-alias z = __zoxide_z
-alias zi = __zoxide_zi
-# =============================================================================
-# Add this to your env file (find it by running `$nu.env-path` in Nushell):
-#   zoxide init nushell | save -f ~/.zoxide.nu
-# Now, add this to the end of your config file (find it by running
-# `$nu.config-path` in Nushell):
-#   source ~/.zoxide.nu
-# Note: zoxide only supports Nushell v0.73.0 and above.
M apps/nogui/zoxide.nix -> apps/nogui/zoxide.nix
diff --git a/apps/nogui/zoxide.nix b/apps/nogui/zoxide.nix
index 12861330e18d3fc6e925eda72c06dab7c7aa1f04..3b81ab75a76c89e205f3099234c1fd6b152cabb7 100644
--- a/apps/nogui/zoxide.nix
+++ b/apps/nogui/zoxide.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
   programs.zoxide = {
     enable = true;
-    # TODO remove once zoxide is updated for new nushell def --env syntax
-    enableNushellIntegration = false;